
Mercury Aero specializes in aviation consulting and asset services to a wide range of clients such as financial institutions, law firms, owners or through their representatives such as family offices.

The aviation consulting and asset services that Mercury Aero provides worldwide, encompass a wide range of areas such as asset surveys and valuation, consulting, technical and commercial asset management, sales and acquisitions for corporate jets and turboprops as well as helicopters and airliners.


What condition is the aircraft in and what is its value?

These are key questions whether you are a financial institution (bank or leasing company), the current owner or looking to acquire or sell a particular aircraft. You need to know the general condition and value prior or during financing, selling, purchasing or even placing an offer on an aircraft.

As with all Mercury Aero’s services we are able to scale our survey and valuation services from a simple desktop valuation to a full on-site physical survey of the aircraft and records and provide a detailed valuation of the asset.

Some of the tasks which Mercury Aero undertakes for clients are as follows:

(please contact us to discuss your specific requirements and for a sample report)

  • Hands-on external physical inspection of airframe, engines and major components to ascertain the general condition of the aircraft
  • In-depth review of aircraft logbooks, maintenance status and tracking, airworthiness directives, service bulletins and other related aircraft documentation
  • Determine if the aircraft equipment meets the general requirements for the current or intended operations
  • Look ahead in the maintenance and component status to determine when the next major inspection / overhaul is due and what the cost implication might be
  • With all the information compiled from the audit, calculate the current value of the aircraft in its current condition
  • Carrying out interim lease, on-site surveys ensuring that the asset is being operated / managed / maintained correctly as well as assessing the aircraft’s current market value
  • Leased or mortgaged aircraft portfolio reviews and management


Mercury Aero advises clients on a wide range of aviation issues. Some common areas are listed below – though we are certainly not limited to these. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.

We advise clients on the complexities of the aviation world in areas such as:

  • Technical and commercial aspects of aviation
  • Operator selection, agreement negotiations (non-legal) and induction
  • Contract review from a technical and commercial perspective
  • Cost efficiency reviews for operation and maintenance of the aircraft
  • On-site survey of the aircraft and records to ensure asset value retention
  • Lease return conditions review / preparation
  • Review of standard Terms and Conditions with regards to technical and operational matters

Mercury Aero engages with partners within and beyond the aviation industry to facilitate the following services:

  • Aircraft Finance
  • Aviation Legal Advice
  • Ownership Structures
  • VAT/Customs Clearances into EU and Non-EU countries


Mercury Aero manages with precision, the technical, commercial and operational requirements for the smooth, safe and cost effective management of our clients’ aviation assets.

As Mercury Aero does not operate or physically maintain aircraft, we remain independent and unbiased. However we act as the client’s representative in all matters relating to the asset.

These services range from agreements for continuing asset management to ad-hoc tasks such as assistance with a large maintenance check, an aircraft survey or handling a pre-purchase/pre-sales inspection.

Some examples of the services provided (please contact us for a full list):

  • Co-ordination and planning of pre-purchase / pre-sale inspections (location and facility)
  • Aircraft (new) delivery consulting services. These services can start with assistance in defining the correct aircraft specification at time of order, to on-site surveillance to ensure all requirements are met and the aircraft is delivered on time and on budget
  • Aircraft sale closing / acceptance
  • Single point of contact for technical and operational related issues for the aircraft’s operation
  • Liaison with airworthiness authorities, operators and continuing airworthiness management organizations (CAMO) to ensure continuing airworthiness of the aircraft and for re-registration
  • Acting as the client’s representative in aviation matters
  • Commercial and technical review of operational and maintenance invoices
  • Cost efficiency reviews for operation and maintenance of the aircraft
  • Management of maintenance events to minimize down time and costs whenever possible and review of invoices to ensure only what has been agreed has been billed
  • On-going technical management of aircraft
  • On-site survey of the aircraft and records to ensure asset value retention
  • Working on behalf of beneficial owners, financial institutions and legal advisers to ensure efficient and cost effective operation or storage of the aircraft
  • Aircraft Hand-Out/Take-Back/ Technical Management. Particularly important when handing out or receiving back an aircraft to or from lease when we can provide verification of the technical compliance to lease covenants including:
  • World Wide Aircraft Repossession Assistance. We can provide assistance and advice in organising the recovery of an aircraft and in assisting with formulating a recovery strategy, carrying out the recovery of the aircraft & records and long term planning and sale of the asset

Following an Aircraft Accident or Incident we can:

  • Provide an on-site review and compilation of a report on the extent of the damage
  • Obtain estimates for costs of repairs
  • Discuss / Negotiate options with insurance companies
  • Provide on-site supervision of repairs with progress reports back to the client
  • Carry out a survey and valuation to ascertain the new current market value after repairs to ascertain value adjustment due to the damage


Should you or your client require a ‘New Build’, an ‘In Service’ or wish to sell an aircraft or helicopter, Mercury Aero can provide a comprehensive array of services to assist you.

Of course it helps to be involved at the outset. However, Mercury Aero acknowledges that this does not happen in all cases and therefore we provide flexibility and are able to offer our assistance at different phases of the process.

Please also see our Aircraft available for Sale and Aircraft sought for Acquisition pages for possible solutions.

Some areas of expertise:

  • Initial concept
  • Market search and compilation of an aircraft shortlist
  • Aircraft Survey and Valuation
  • Liaison with manufacturer or seller including negotiations, contract review (non-legal) and assistance in the definition of specification
  • Project management during the build process or pre-purchase inspection
  • De-registration / Re-registration co-ordination
  • Acquisition of ‘Essential Documentation’
  • Aircraft final acceptance and delivery
  • Ongoing asset management of aircraft

Should you or your client wish to sell or replace the aircraft or helicopter, this can also be fully catered for:

  • Marketing the aircraft effectively
  • Managing the enquiries and presenting the client with viable offers
  • Project management during the pre-purchase inspection
  • Conducting negotiations on technical and financial issues (non-legal)
  • Developing specific aircraft sales contracts (non-legal)
  • Conducting aircraft final hand-over and closing
  • De-registration / Re-registration co-ordination

Services: Aircraft available for Sale

Mercury Aero has, directly or in conjunction with an associate aircraft or helicopter sales organisation, the following aircraft for immediate sale.

Please contact us if you have interest in any of these aircraft:

Current Offerings:

  • Gulfstream G700
  • Please contact us regarding off market aircraft that may be available

Services: Aircraft sought for Acquisition

Mercury Aero directly or in conjunction with an associate aircraft or helicopter sales organisation is seeking on behalf of our clients the following aircraft.

Mercury Aero is not currently seeking any aircraft or helicopters to purchase at the moment.

If you would like to acquire or sell an aircraft please contact us.

Services: Spare Parts Sales, Repairs and Modification Kit

Mercury Aero can supply, on an ad-hoc basis or as part of a larger project, or in conjunction with our asset services, the spare parts, component repairs and modification kits which you may require. The following are some of the areas we can assist you with:

  • Sourcing and supplying major aircraft components such as engines, landing gear, high value components and structural assemblies
  • Facilitating component repairs
  • We distribute ACS-NAI STC Modification Kits and related spares for Bombardier Dash 8, Challenger, CRJ aircraft
  • Managing spare parts for maintenance inputs
  • Selecting maintenance facilities and/or manpower for installation and/or repairs
  • Technical review of component repairs and associated costs